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Born London, UK


Post-graduate Diploma in Fine Art (Painting), Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne, Australia

Bachelor of Arts (Visual Art), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia


Advisor, The American Academy in Rome, Italy

Tutor/Guest Lecturer, The Rhode Island School of Design in Rome, Italy

Tutor/Guest Lecturer, Temple University Rome Campus, Italy



2018 International Guest Artist Residency, Villa Romana, Florence, Italy

2017 Art Omi, Omi International Arts Centre, Ghent, NY, USA


2024 Banana Trees, Baert Gallery, Expo Chicago, Illinois, USA

2019 Baert Gallery (with Simone Kennedy Doig), UNTITLED, Miami Beach, USA


2019 Jebila OkongwuBaert Gallery, Los Angeles, USA


2019 Baert Gallery, UNTITLED, San Francisco, USA


2018 Schengen (with Délio Jasse and Anna Raimondo), Villa Romana, curated by Justin Randolph Thompson and Janine Gaelle, Florence, Italy

2018 Manhattan Office, Art in Buildings, 125 Maiden Lane, curated by Jennie Lamensdorf, New York City, USA

2017 The Legitimacy of Brutality, Baert Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

2015 Patterns of Trade (with Ludovica Gioscia), Wunderkammer, Galleria Riccardo Crespi, Milan, Italy

2013 River Crossing, Galleria Lorcan O’Neill, Rome, Italy

2013 Nina & Stevie, MACRO Pelanda, Rome, Italy

2012 The Hawker (performance), Roma Contemporary 5, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy

2012 The Other Art Fair, Ambika, London, UK

2012 Banana Republic, Gallery Barry Keldoulis, Sydney, Australia

2001 Synthetic Abstractions, Rialto Project Space, Rome, Italy

1999 Jebila Wolfe-Okongwu: Inedito, Futuro Associazione Culturale, Rome, Italy


2023 Maschera, Struttura, Rome, Italy

2022 Salon in SabinaDemoni Danzanti, Torri in Sabina, Italy

2022 Black Future: Auriea Harvey and Jebila Okongwu, Temple University Rome Gallery of Art, Rome, Italy

2021 Summer Group Exhibition, Baert Gallery, Los Angeles, USA


2020 Friends and Friends of Friends, curated by Inga Kleinknecht, Schlossmuseum, Linz, Austria


2019 Color Is an Act of Reason, Baert Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

2017 Liquid State & Unmasked, Axis Gallery, New York City, USA

2016 ToastAtelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, Austria

2016 Qui e Altrove (performance), curated by Valentina Gioia Levy, Villa  Ada, Rome, Italy

2015 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, Axis Gallery, Somerset House, London, UK

2015 Nero Su Bianco, curated by Robert Storr, Lyle Ashton Harris and Peter Benson Miller, The American Academy in Rome, Italy


2014 The Go Between: A Selection of International Emerging Artists from the Ernesto Esposito Collection, curated by Eugenio Viola, Museum of Capodimonte, Naples, Italy


2013 Un Altro Natale, Casa della Letteratura, Rome, Italy

2012 African & African-Caribbean Design Diaspora: Untold Gold, The Bargehouse, London, UK


2012 Savorr VIII, Samson and Hercules House, Norwich, UK

2011 Fabula in Art 2011, Museum San Salvatore in Lauro, Rome, Italy

2010 Passion is the difference, LipanjePuntin artecontemporanea, Trieste, Italy


2005 Five Painters, Critical Mass, Brooklyn, New York, USA


1999 Simbiosi, Museum of Contemporary Art, Gallese, Italy


1999 12 Artisti: Collettiva d’Arte Contemporanea, Extra, Rome, Italy


1999 Riot, Vernice Associazione Culturale, Mattatoio di Testaccio, Rome, Italy



2020 Friends and Friends of Friends, Exhibition catalogue, Distanz, Berlin, ISBN 9783954763825

2020 Neues Volksblatt, Innovative Exhibition in the middle of Covid-Trauma, Astrid Braun, 1st October, Linz, Austria

2020 Kronen Zeitung, Museum makes way for Andy Warhols of today, Jasmin Gaderer, 1st October, Vienna, Austria

2020 Graphite Interdisciplinary Arts Journal, Issue No. 11, Fruit, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles

2019 As Brilliant as the Sun, Camilla Boemio, Vanilla Edizioni, Savona,

ISBN 9788860574473

2019 Artillery Magazine, Review of the exhibition “Jebila Okongwu“ at Baert Gallery, Max King Kap, Los Angeles, 5th November, p.52


2019 Los Angeles Times, Banana Boxes, BDSM gear and the intended message of artist Jebila Okongwu, Sharon Mizota, 15th October


2019 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow, Kurt Beers, Thames & Hudson, London, ISBN 0500021473, 9780500021477


2015 ArtReview, Black On White?, Mike Watson, vol.67, no. 6, September, p.51


2015 Nero su Bianco, Exhibition catalogue, Nero, Rome, ISBN 9788897503613


2014 The Go Between, A Selection of International Emerging Artists from the Ernesto Esposito Collection, Exhibition catalogue, Cura Books, Rome, ISBN 9788897889229


2013 Corriere della Sera, Il Natale dell’arte giovane, Lauretta Colonnelli, 18th December, No. 299, p.17


2013 La Repubblica, Wolfe-Okongwu e Sahib opere d’arte cosmopolite, Linda de Sanctis, 23rd April


2012 Art Monthly Australia, Rome is Home but the World is Wider, Jan Jones, Issue 252 August, p. 48-50


2012 The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 Hours The Arts Diary, 16th February, No. 54403, p.14


2011 Fabula in Art, Text Jonathan Turner, Il Cigno GG Edizioni, Roma, p.138-139, ISBN-9788878312654


2010 Nigerian Compass, Jebila: Home from Rome with art, Chuka Nnabuife, vol. 3, no. 802, 6th August, p.28-29


1999 ARTnews, Jebila Wolfe-Okongwu, Review of Exhibition at Futuro Rome, Jonathan Turner, vol. 98, no.9, October, p.202


Landesmuseum, Linz, Austria

Collezione Ernesto Esposito, Naples, Italy

The Francis J. Greenburger Collection, New York, USA

© 2024 Jebila Okongwu 
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